Update on Terri

Terri has been through a lot this summer. In fact this entire year has been very painful for her both physically and emotionally. Due to her breast cancer, she has been able to do very little of the things that she would do in the course of a normal summer. It has been extremely hard for her to miss out on the fun things in life that she sees others around her being able to do.

We would normally go camping almost every weekend throughout the summer. This has become a life style for us. Terri has been unable to return to this lifestyle do to her illness. She just loves camping. In fact camping is not a vacation for us anymore, it has actually become somewhat of a business. People now depend on us to provide the information we publish in this blog and other websites. I guess this year our business is suffering along with her.

My heart breaks to see this happen to her and I try real hard to provide for her a somewhat normal existence. I try to get her out of the house for a bit of sanity. I know myself that I could only be imprisoned by the four walls of our home for so long. If nothing else I try to lift her spirits to the point that it helps her body to heal. After all the body is only as good as the mind allows.

This is why I convinced her that it was in her best interest to get away from all this and go away with me. We are going to take some time off from all of this sickness and hopefully I can bring her back home a little bit closer to being the person she was before all of this tragedy.

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